Code of Ethics

Our mission is to transform research, care and quality for the life of children with dementia around the world.

Our Code of Ethics describes an ethical framework for Directors of the Childhood Dementia Initiative and for employees or volunteers acting for the Childhood Dementia Initiative, however, it does not replace any ethical or legal obligation provided by the Companies Act or individual professional bodies or employers.

Provision of Information

The Childhood Dementia Initiative will only provide accurate, scientifically valid information to the public and to health professionals and researchers.


The Childhood Dementia Initiative will only support research performed in an ethical manner that complies with national guidelines. These currently include the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) - Updated 2018 and the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes (the Code).

The Childhood Dementia Initiative will only support research that has obtained appropriate approval from a relevant Human Research Ethics Committee and/or Animal Ethics Committee

The Childhood Dementia Initiative will follow ethical guidelines when asked to facilitate or recruit subjects for research studies.

Applications for research funding will be assessed by a fair and transparent process of independent peer review.

Conflicts of Interest

Individuals acting on behalf of the Childhood Dementia Initiative will declare any potential conflicts of interest that may influence them in assessing or promoting research applications, therapies, policy statements or information statements.

Use of Personal Information and Images

The Childhood Dementia Initiative will safeguard privacy and autonomy by obtaining appropriate informed consent from individuals and from parents/guardians of children prior to the use of any personal information or images that are potentially identifiable.


The Childhood Dementia Initiative welcomes sponsorship of its activities by appropriate individuals, companies and other organisations. Acceptance of such sponsorship does not imply endorsement by the Childhood Dementia Initiative of any products, claims or services that may be provided by the sponsor.