Rage, rage

against the

dying of

the light

Thank you for your donation and for recognising the rage that is required to change the status quo for all children with dementia! 

As Anna, mother of Sebby who died with childhood dementia at just 22 months shared: 
“We are living in the 21st Century yet there is no cure. We are doing gene-editing, a man went to the moon, yet my child is dying from a condition known for 100 years - it's unfathomable.

Your support will go directly into changing how the world views, treats and cares for all children with dementia now and for generations to come. 

This video features Sam, dad to Caleb. Sam shared that when he received Caleb’s diagnosis he felt so helpless and so hopeless. He received good will, prayers and sadness, but so few actual tools and guidance. 

“I didn’t want sympathy, I wanted to do something. I recognised we couldn’t cure him, but I wanted to make his life the best that it could possibly be.” 

Sam told us that there is a different kind of hope that families like his are trying to find. He wanted someone to help them to rage against the dying of the light, to not go gentle into that good night.

This Christmas, your donations will elevate the voice of families to inform doctors, researchers, disability care providers, palliative care providers, the government, policymakers, funders and more, about the real cost to each and every family living with childhood dementia. Together we can build the support that families are looking for during some of the most challenging times of their lives.